Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The beginning

Wow - Anahata is incredibly beautiful! The property is on a hillside above the Petanu river valley so we can hear the river in the distance (and you can walk down there if you don't mind climbing back up the hill). The resort is 1.5 km off the main road and it is filled entirely with participants from our program so it is like our private community! Anahata is the Sanskrit word for the heart chakra.

Sunday afternoon we arrived for registration and they had coconut water with rosella flower to drink, and three different kinds of raw cacao (chocolate) to eat. Yum! We were also given a beautiful Balinese sarong before being shown to our rooms...I mean villas. Each villa has three bedrooms with two people in each room, so I have 5 housemates. My roommate is Anne-Marie from the UK and we have a lovely room downstairs that has french doors opening to a garden with a private pool!!! I was shocked - I had no idea we were going to live in such luxury. Also fun - it turns out that Anne-Marie has the same birthday as me! Next to us are two guys: Ross and Kim who are both from Berlin (although Ross is originally from Australia and currently working on a project in Jakarta). Ellen (who was with me in Seminyak) and Sherri (from New York but living between Hong Kong and Singapore) are staying in the master suite upstairs.

Sunday evening we had an orientation meeting followed by dinner, and then we began the program on Monday morning. Each morning starts in silence from the time we wake up until 9 a.m. We have meditation from 6-7 a.m. followed by yoga from 7-9 a.m. Next is breakfast and then classes on various subjects: Teaching Principles, Neuro Linguistic Programing (NLP), Ayurveda, Nutrition, etc. just to name a few. The information is jam packed so after just two days, I already feel like I have learned what could reasonably be covered in a week! I mean that in a good way though - we are all rising up to the challenge.

The space where we practice is beautiful just like the rest of the property. There are huge windows that open up so it feels like we are in a tree house or something. The weather has been great - nice and warm during the day time and then it cools off just a bit in the evening. Not so much that you need a jacket, but enough that it feels refreshing.

We are all becoming close friends super quickly - feels like we have known each other for years! Today was Carolina's birthday so we threw a little party for her :)

I'll write more about some of the things we are learning soon. Hope you are all doing well - I think about all my wonderful friends and family every day! xoxo

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