I've been enjoying all of my roommates - I definitely lucked out with a good group! It's kind of like being back in the sorority - we have chefs, bus boys, even someone making up our beds every day. Talk about spoiled! The only thing I would really love to do without is all the bugs. It's actually pretty funny because there are ants and spiders crawling around on the ground during class. Surprisingly it really doesn't bother me - it's more of a distraction than an annoyance. However, the mosquitoes in my room have got to go! I tried to be very yoga-like about it since we are studying "ahimsa" (non-violence) but yesterday I just couldn't take it anymore and whacked about 50 of them. Hopefully their friends will stay away now :)
Here is a picture with my roommate, Anne Marie, in the student lounge. I love the traditional wood-carved furniture here - so beautiful! Anne Marie just sold the health food store that she owned in Wales so now she is in the process of figuring out her next venture. She is a total sweetheart!

We had our last class with Simon today - he was fantastic so I'll miss having him here! While I still can't do this...(in case you can't tell, he's balancing on one hand - the one you can't see is raised out in front of him)

I did mange to do this for the first time...yay!

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