Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sans Sugar

36 days until I leave for Bali!!! In preparation for the training, they ask all of us participants to cut the junk out of our diets ahead of time so that we won't go through withdrawals when we get there. Here is everything on the list: meat, dairy, caffeine, processed foods, alcohol, and refined sugar. Lucky for me, half the list doesn't apply so I really only have three things to cut: processed foods, alcohol, and refined sugar. I decided to do it in stages rather than all at once, so two weeks ago I had my last cocktail, last week I had my last chips and fries, and this week I'm dropping sugar.

Today is day 3 and I'm feeling pretty good! Knowing that it was coming, I overloaded on sugar this weekend which was both good and bad. It somewhat helped because I was burnt out on sweets so they didn't sound good the last couple days, but it was rough because I then had to detox all that excess sugar out of my system. I definitely had a couple head aches on Monday and Tuesday but today I'm feeling much better and have my energy back. You might wonder what is left to eat - basically lots of veggies, fruit, nuts & seeds. Summer has the best produce so I'll have plenty to enjoy! It's pretty easy at work & home, but this weekend I'll be up in Whistler so that will be a bigger challenge. We'll see how it goes...

I love Whistler - it's like my second home! Here's a picture from the last time I was there in June and went zip lining - so much fun!!!

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